01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus

 We Delude Ourselves with Metaphors About the Internet

We are beholden to countless Internet fantasies: It's quicker than the speed fo ligth; it appears and dissolves at whim; it's guarded by big strapping men friendly to our own interests and hostile to the interests of others; it's magical, evanescent, as portable as our own bodies and imaginations; it looks like a swirling hypercoller tie-dyed video game. These are, of course, also common fantasies about capitalism. But the ultimate fantasy of being online, echoed in much writing about the Int...
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An excellent essay on the numerous metaphors we use to describe the Internet, how commercials make it seem like a fun, happy place, full of friends, when in reality it isolates us. Movies portray it as an exciting, dynamic place, while in reality we spend hours sitting still, in non-ergonomically sound positions... the model of solitude and boredom.